After Obi proved his loyalty and friendship to the prince many times over Zen knighted him as his personal knight, making Obi a member of the Royal Knight Circle despite not having gone through the years of training most members, such as Kiki and Mitsuhide, had to go through before being knighted. After Obi placed himself under Zen's care and Zen grew fond of him Zen claimed hold of the "reins" that keep Obi in his presence, letting the former outlaw know that Zen doesn't intend to let him slip back into obscurity. He keeps his two aides, Mitsuhide Rouen and Kiki Seiran at his side, and they had already been his near-constant companions and dearest friends for five years by the time he met Shirayuki to the point that Izana and Queen Haruto note that he won't even speak with his family without at least Mitsuhide present. He is currently in a romantic relationship with Shirayuki and has stated that he intends to propose to her, though he has not yet discussed this with Shirayuki and their different statuses would make a marriage between them very controversial. Zen became much more open after meeting, befriending and falling in love with Shirayuki. His studies and position also caused him to feel that it was impossible for him to truly have friends and become close to people, though Mitsuhide was able to dissuade him of the notion that he could never have friends.

In the past, he was treated as a pawn and potential leverage against his brother, and targeted for assassination due to his royal status and developed issues trusting people. Zen is an adventurous person with a light-hearted personality and a distaste for much of the formality his status causes him to be surrounded with almost constantly. His older brother, Izana Wistaria, is the crown prince and later King of Clarines. When he first met Shirayuki he was the second prince of the Clarines Kingdom, though he was hiding his status at the time. Zen Wistaria (ゼン・ウィスタリア Zen Wisutaria) is the deuteragonist to Shirayuki's protagonist in the Akagami no Shirayuki-hime manga and anime series. Fort Laxdo (formerly under his jurisdiction), Wirant (Currently under his jurisdiction)